研究業績 (原生生物学)
・Asiloglu R*, Bodur OS, Samuel SO, Aycan M, Murase J, Harada N, 2024: Trophic modulation of endophytes by rhizosphere protists. ISME Journal, wrae235.
・Bodur OS, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Top-down predators shape soil bacterial community composition while bottom-up nutrients drive bacterial abundance. Science of the Total Environment, accepted.
・Fujino M, Bodur OS, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Guardians of plant health: roles of predatory protists in the pathogen suppression. Plant and Soil, s11104.
・Bodur OS, Fujino M, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Predatory protists: the key players in the quest for sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30, 436 - 443.
・Bodur OS, Samuel SO, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Nitrogen-based fertilizers differentially affect protist community composition in paddy field soils. Soil Ecology Letters, 6, 230221.
・Fujino M, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2023: Protists modulate active bacterial community composition in paddy field soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
・Murase J & Asiloglu R, 2023: Protists: The hidden ecosystem players in a wetland rice field soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
・Asiloglu R*, 2022: Biochar–microbe interaction: more protist research is needed Biochar, 4, 72.
・Asiloglu R*, Shiroishi K, Suzuki K, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Soil properties have more significant effects on the community composition of protists than the rhizosphere effect of rice plants in alkaline paddy field soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 161, 108397.
・Asiloglu R*, Kobayashi K, Samuel SO, Sevilir B, Murase J, Suzuki K, Harada N 2021: Top-down effects of protists are greater than bottom-up effects of fertilisers on the formation of bacterial communities in a paddy field soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 156, 108186.
・Asiloglu R*, Sevilir B, Samuel SO, Aycan M, Akca MO, Suzuki K, Murase J, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Effect of protists on rhizobacterial community composition and rice plant growth in a biochar amended soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 293-304
・Asiloglu R*, Samuel SO, Sevilir B, Akca MO, Bozkurt PA, Suzuki K, Murase J, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Biochar affects taxonomic and functional community composition of protists. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 15-29.
・Asiloglu R*, Shiroishi K, Suzuki K, Turgay OC, Murase J, Harada N 2020: Protist-enhanced survival of a plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Azospirillum sp. B510, and the growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. Applied Soil Ecology, 154, 103599.